Star and Serpent Solitaire

Star and Serpent game studio's take on Solitaire, based on tarot.

What is the game all about?

Star and Serpent Solitaire is a tarot based solitaire game I made primarily for myself, because I love solitaire and I love tarot, and I don't love the other solitaire games on the market that much.

Can you tell me anything else?

The development started 244 days ago on 12th of July in 2024.

I spent about half a year making Star and Serpent Solitaire. I don't really expect to get rich off of it - card games and especially solitaire games are a very niche market - but I do hope that it will be a nice little game that other people will enjoy as well. The game is being developed in C# using the Godot game engine.

The game is currently in a playable state, and has been for a long time, but it's not finished yet. It was supposed to be a quick 2 month project for me to learn SQLite databases and EF Core in game dev, but I got little carried away and added a lot of features and polish. I'm working on the game full time, but it's going to take a while to finish.

As far as solitaires go, the game is very well made, configurable, and - in my personal opinion - beats all the competition (that I've tried so far) to a bloody pulp after beating them out of the water - and drinks their bath water, too! I've put a lot of thought and effort into Star and Serpent Solitaire, and I'm very proud of the game. I cannot lie, I love it, and I don't care what other people think. I play it every day.

It is my firm belief, that every game studio out there should make their own solitaire game - with their own added twist to it, and I'm happy to have Star and Serpent's take on the genre which reflects the personality of the studio. I challenge all the game studios out there to make their own solitaire! A minimum effort version can be built very quickly. After that it's up to you how much you want to polish it.

If you want to follow the development day to day, you can join our Discord chat server. Scroll down for the link.

When is it finished?

Honestly, it shouldn't take too long. The game itself is constantly in a state where I could just pull the trigger and publish it. But there are certain aspects of the game development process which just take time, like getting it to game stores will likely take a few months after everything else is completed. There's also all kinds of processing and paper work and advertisement campaigns and whatnot. Really boring stuff.

I could imagine the whole process taking perhaps another half a year more. But I'm not in a hurry. One day at a time.

Follow development

If you want to follow the development, day to day, you can join our Discord chat. We are most active there.

Development pictures

Current state of development

The above animation was captured on 22nd of January in 2025 (50 days ago). The gif animation depicts a short clip of the game play. The resolution, quality and framerate of the animation is not representative of the game (the animation has only 15 frames per second and lower quality).

Current state of development

The above screenshot was taken on 22nd of January in 2025 (50 days ago). It shows the dealt cards at the beginning of the game.

Current state of development

The above screenshot was taken on 22nd of January in 2025 (50 days ago). It shows the win screen (yes, I cheated...).

Current state of development

The above screenshot was taken on 22nd of January in 2025 (50 days ago). It shows the cards exploding when you've won the game.

Last updated

This web page was last updated on 22nd of January in 2025 (50 days ago).