
Paganrot is a game being developed by Star and Serpent indie game studio.

What is the game all about?

Paganrot is a hack and slash style game where you play as zombie witch.

Can you tell me anything else?

The development started 589 days ago on 3rd of August in 2023.

Paganrot is a simple side project that I work on when I get too stressed out from working on the main project. It is still one of my top 3 game idea and I enjoy it for its straightforward simplicity. Paganrot is being developed in C# using the Godot game engine.

Things might change significantly and I don't want to spend all my time updating - or worrying about not updating - this web page. It seems like such a small thing, but it's actually quite time consuming.

If you want to follow the development day to day, you can join our Discord chat server. Scroll down for the link.

When is it finished?

Really hard to say.

I might shift gears at some point and work on Paganrot full time, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon. Paganrot goes long periods of time with no development at all, and then I might work on it for a few days in a row when I want to do something simple for a change.

Follow development

If you want to follow the development, day to day, you can join our Discord chat. We are most active there.

Development pictures

Current state of development

The above screenshot was taken on 9th of March in 2024 (370 days ago). The screenshot depicts the main menu of the game.

Current state of development

The above screenshot was taken on 9th of March in 2024 (370 days ago). It represents a very rudimentary test map with some really basic graphics, unfinished player character and a slime test enemy.

Last updated

This web page was last updated on 9th of March in 2024 (370 days ago).